4 Signs Your Gut Health Needs Some TLC and How to Improve It


4 Signs Your Gut Health Needs Some TLC and How to Improve It


We've been conditioned to think bacteria is a dirty word, but in reality, there's such a thing as good bacteria, and you need plenty of it in your gut. Our bodies host trillions of bacteria, known as the microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome, with the right balance of good and bad bacteria, is essential for immunity, physical and mental health, glowing skin, and much more. Your gut health plays a crucial role in your wellbeing, impacting everything from your digestion and immune system to your brain.

When your gut isn't at its healthiest, your body will send you warning signs. You just need to learn how to read them! Here are some common signs that your gut health needs some TLC and our top tips on how to rebalance your microbiome to get back to healthy:


1. Bloating

Gastrointestinal issues like bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas, nausea, and heartburn are some of the more apparent signs that things aren't right in your gut. A combination of difficulties breaking down food and an excess of bacteria strains that naturally produce more gas than others can leave your stomach struggling.


2. Lack of energy

An abundance of bad bacteria in your gut can impact your body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients from food, which can leave you feeling tired. An unhealthy gut can also negatively affect your natural circadian rhythm, which can disrupt sleep and even lead to chronic fatigue. Add to that the fact that the majority of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut, and it’s no wonder you’re struggling to get out of bed when your gut health isn’t at its best.


3. Skin problems

It might be hard to imagine that your skin and gut have anything to do with each other, but they are actually in direct communication through the gut-skin axis. As a result, issues in your gut can wreak havoc on your skin. Inflammation in the gut can cause skin conditions like eczema to flare up and increase the severity of acne. Your skin has its own microbiome, and when the bacteria in your gut are out of balance, it can influence the balance of bacteria on your skin.


4. Poor immunity

Nearly 80% of your immune system resides in your digestive tract, along with a large portion of your microbiome. So, it's no surprise that when your gut is unhealthy, you are at a greater risk of getting sick. When your microbiome is functioning optimally, it produces healthy mucus that traps unwanted bacteria, viruses, and toxins and helps remove them from the body.


What causes an imbalance in the gut?

Common causes of an unhealthy gut include a poor diet, stress, lack of sleep, and food sensitivities. Bad bacteria thrive on sugar and processed food, whereas good bacteria need fiber, complex carbohydrates, and plant foods. 


How to improve gut health?

To improve your gut health, consider taking probiotics, which are live good bacteria. Prebiotics also help by providing "food" to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. One ingredient that ticks both boxes is Globe Artichoke. It's an excellent source of fiber, including a type of fiber called inulin, which acts as a prebiotic to promote friendly gut bacteria. Globe Artichokes are also naturally high in polyphenols, which support a strong immune system by repairing damaged cells that impair your immune function. 

We've included Globe Artichoke in our Fabulous Moi Daily Super Shots for this very reason. Our liquid supplements have been scientifically formulated to help support beneficial intestinal flora. They also contain Ginkgo Biloba to help reduce stress (a known cause of poor gut health), Vitamin C to improve immune defense, and deliver other bonus benefits like promoting collagen formation and maintaining energy production. 

Additionally, for a healthy gut, make sure you maintain a balanced diet (and cut back on sugar), drink plenty of water, and chew your food! When you don't properly break down your food, it hinders your body's ability to feed the healthy bacteria and promote healthy digestion

To further support your gut health, consider incorporating stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Regular physical activity also aids digestion and helps maintain a balanced gut microbiome. By addressing these factors and making a conscious effort to nurture your gut health, you can enjoy better overall wellbeing and improved quality of life.